Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Xmas Tr33z

Today I met with my new counselor. She seems like she'll be a good fit with me. After that, I had a coffee and then met with my mom so we could get her Christmas tree. The other day I went along with my dad and my grandma to a tree farm out in the country. We were extremely impressed with the selection of their trees and their service. Hagg's farm has some of the best trees in the Portland area. So today I took my mom over there and we found a great tree. It is the first Christmas at the John Palmer house and I think this tree is a good start.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Catching Up

Well, then...

I haven't really wanted to write blog posts recently. Back in June I earned my bachelor of architecture degree and that's pretty much the high point of the last six months.

I guess I thought that I would instantly find a job and then all things would be right in the world. But here's the thing, finding a job in your career is much different than just finding a job that pays the bills.

Needless to say, I've been a total loser over the last half year. Yeah, I do have a job but it is in food service.

Today I met with a career adviser. She liked the format and content of my resume. She also had a lot of advice about the verbs of my leading sentences. I thought that they were ok, but after talking to her, I realize that I have a lot of improvement to enact on my resume.

I doubt anyone is still checking this blog, but if they still are, they are Kolkenas.

This is the logo from the family reunion. I designed it.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Allons, enfants de la Patria

Happy Bastille Day! While I'm not a Francophone or a Francophile, I am one who enjoys free food and festivities. So This afternoon I'll be attending a waiters' race down in the Pearl District. Can you get any more bourgeois? Well, probably. Actually, definitely. But I am really excited about it. Hopefully I'll get some good pictures.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I am scared that I'm not going to finish. Must keep pushing.

Funky Fezmono

Since I've been working so much on my final project I haven't been doing laundry. I've been reduced to smell testing my clothes and not too many would make the grade.

Monday, May 26, 2008

For Shits and Giggles

I have very little to say these days. There is a lot of stuff going on in my life both personal and professional but I don't really feel the need to share with the internet. I have been learning how to use Maxwell renderer and I'm amazed at both how easy it is to use in conjunction with SketchUp and how amazing the results look. Unfortunately images take forever to render. Good thing I have a couple of computers.

Aside from that, project presentation in a little over a week. I'm scared I won't finish. I hope I do. I hate my project. The end.

And one more thing. A few years ago my mom went to China and brought me back many great things, one of which is a stamp that supposedly says my name in Chinese. I recently found it and showed it to a Chinese friend of mine and asked her what it says. She laughed and said it means "Special Horse." "Special" is close to "chairs" or something like that so her opinion is that my last name was literally translated to chairs while my first name sounds like the word horse. So there you go. Fezmono is also Special Horse. I always thought that stories of weird translations were mostly BS but now I'm not so sure. At least I didn't get a tattoo of it.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


I don't normally want to just post video clips that I saw on other sites, but this is pretty sad:

I think Chris Matthews is pretty awful in general but this is one of the gems he so rarely produces.

I'm So Smrt

The weather's been super-roasting the past few days. I'm proud of my resourcefulness in that I made up large pitchers of both sweet tea and iced coffee. Now I can get my caffeine intake on in a nice 'n' chilly way. Hot coffee on a hot morning really doesn't do it for me.


I opened up the old web browser and was amused to find that the google homepage had a Bauhausian sort of flair. When I moused-over, the alt text informed me that today is the 125th birthday of Walter Gropius. He was a very influential architect on the world stage but his popularity has waned over the years. I still count him among my favorites and as someone whose work got me interested in pursuing architecture as a career. The Fagus Works was the building that got me interested in modern architecture.

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Drunk Drivers Ruin Everyhing

I was heading home from studio, catching the last (or near to it) Max train home and after crossing the Steel Bridge, en route to the Rose Quarter Transit Center we stopped and actually turned back across the river because some asshole drunkenly crashed his Jeep into a barrier and stopped on the tracks. A whole bunch of people had to get off and walk across the bridge and get to their various destinations in different ways. I'm lucky though because I only live a fifteen minute walk from the Rose Quarter. Looks like nobody got hurt so that's good. Not a bad night to walk home either. All in all, not a terrible experience.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Red Face!

My architecture studio took a trip on the Portland Spirit boat today for a lunch cruise. It was very nice to see the city and area from the river. And even better, I got a sunburn! First of the season.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Ach, Jesus

I'm about a month away from graduation. I've so much work to do. Wish me luck getting it all done.

Seriously, give me a little bit of love. I need it.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Ahh, Democracy

Well, hell, sure has been a long time. I'm not really going to say much because I'm tired and I've had a long day.

What I do want to say is that I received my ballot in the mail the other day and finished filling it out mere moments ago. I don't think I voted in the last primary election since the president was decided long before our Oregon primary. This time though, my vote is cast in a contested election. It won't change anything though since there are too few delegates still available to push Obama or Clinton over the top. That said, I felt a glow of pride and satisfaction when I sealed up the envelope to send to the county elections office. But I now have to buy a stamp. Shining city on a hill, my ass!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Detail Sections!

For all those who wonder why I'm not always enthusiastic about my major, the following serves as illustration:

One thing's for sure, I'll never be a building enclosure specialist. It is good to know this stuff, just tedious to do six of them in a night. Especially when I barely have much of an idea what I'm doing. At least I'm finally learning CAD.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wife Swap City!

I love "Wife Swap". This week there is a family of ghost hunters the mother of whom doesn't "like" the children. And they think they are smarter than everyone else and they will tell them. In the other family the dad is a coal miner and the mom is a "free maid" (husband) who "loves to stay home and cook supper" (daughter). This should be a great damned episode.

Country Dad just forced Ghost Mom to cook him breakfast, then when she was done and served him, he threw it all away.

One of the Ghost Kids flat out told Country Mom that she is "less intelligent" than everyone in Ghost Family.

Rule Change time. Country Mom wants to teach the Ghost Family some lessons about their psychic powers and making other people feel dumb. I don't know about what the Ghost Mom is making the Country Family do because I was too busy writing this stuff about Country Mom. What it basically comes down to is that Ghost Mom is making the Country Family hunt ghosts.

One of the things I really like about this show is that pretty much everyone in each family winds up looking like a spoiled asshole. Well, the moms usually wind up looking good. The way the show is usually set up is that mom gets dumped into a shark tank where she is expected to follow the rules without getting flustered. Then she changes the rules and the family has to follow what she says. They usually complain up and down about it and wind up looking like huge douches, usually the dad leading the way. Then there is some sort of blowup and then they all wind up making some sort of peace. That is a pretty good narrative. Let's see what happens with this one...

Ghost Dad is treating Country Mom like a servant and he thinks it will break her but he doesn't seem to realize that she loves it. She can smell his weakness and she's clearly enjoying it.

Ghost Mom is making the Country Daughters do yard work and they aren't taking too kindly to it.

Country Mom makes Ghost Dad join a detective agency in order to help solve crimes with his psychic abilities. The detectives seem to think he'd make a good addition to the crazy patrol.

Country Dad can't accept that he's now supposed to do the house work. She's a "girl. boobies. girl. boobies." She has four degrees, she says, but also "boobies" says he.

Ghost Dad is twice the man now because he went to work and, surprise, CM is feeling like working outside the house may not be so bad after all.

CD has to cook dinner (one frozen pizza) and wash dishes, which he vows to break one by one.

CM hates "big words" like "inclusive" which she writes on the offender's forehead as punishment and GD says that he doesn't allow the family members to degrade themselves by "writing words on our heads." Umm, I'm not really sure exactly how he thinks that is any more degrading than anything else about this whole teevee experience. CM leaves the room crying, feeling talked down to and made a fool yet again.

Commercial. I have to say, there are usually some asses on this show but people who think they are smarter than everyone and are licensed to share how much smarter they are may (or may not) be book smart but they are not smart. They are actually dicks.

Ghost Daughter comes in to console CM who feels in crisis. She feels extremely isolated and says something about how when people don't like you it makes you want them to like you more. I feel bad for her because her husband is a complete country hick asshole stereotype. He even has a mustache.

CD and C Daughter do a little role playing when he breaks down and cries, realizing that he's been mean and ornery on purpose and has been wasting years.

Ghost Son goes on a date where he makes her feel degraded by big words. Clearly CM was right when she said he'd be alone. After CM reports to the boy about how he made the date feel he clearly didn't appreciate the news saying, with moistening eyes, that he wishes she'd softened the blow because it made him feel bad. Hope you learn something punk. He just said that when CM first came to the house he felt she was "too unintelligent to learn anything from" but now he learned "that people have feelings." Wow, you really are a family of psychic geniuses.

I don't know if it is just me or the focus of the show but the whole Country Mom-Ghost Family dynamic is much better than the Ghost Mom-Country Family dynamic. Maybe I just relate more to a bunch of self-important assholes as found in the Ghost Family. I like swords and dragons a shit-load less though.


What have we learned? CM want respect from family. GM hope she taught the family that stereotypical roles can be broken. Judgment time! GM is a cold mom with cold kids who use big words and make people feel bad. GD says that GM needs to be warmer toward the kids. The detective agency made GD (who is now crying) feel needed and manly. CM is tired of doing everything and being run all over. CD says that's fine and sees how hard it is to do all the stuff CM has done. He's a changed man and has written her a letter (no words over two syllables) saying that he's sorry.

God, I really hate teenagers who think because they can use large words and are in advanced classes they are smarter than everyone else. This type of person is so smug and self-important. They clearly don't care about other peoples' feelings and justify their asshole-itude (yes, that is a word) by "just being honest." Man, fuck them. Maybe it is just because I've been exposed a lot to this type of person that I hate them so much. Oh well, whatever. That's enough negativity.

I hope that Country Mom grows a spine and her family stops treating her like shit. I also hope that nerd-boy gets a little bit of empathy which I guess has a lot to do with his mother. Boy, everyone is just so happy and so much better. Thanks Teevee!

Next up, an all new Super Nanny!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Sicky Sickerson

Sometimes when the weight of my obligations with school, etc. starts to weigh heavily on me I think that maybe it would be great if I were to get sick. Then I could take some days off and have a legit excuse. I am currently sick and I always forget that the reality of being sick is much less pleasant than whatever my fantasy may be. I am coughing, sniffing, eyes running, weak, etc. And on top of the physical shittiness I am bored stiff.

Oh well, I'm giving my body until tomorrow to get better. I want to get back to wishing I were sick.

Friday, February 08, 2008

You Say Tomato, I Say Tomahto

I was heading home and listening to OPB radio which is broadcasting the BBC World Service late at night. They are saying that Benazir Bhutto was killed by the bomb blast and not by gunshot wounds. First off, I watched video of the assassination and it looked to me as though she was shot. Second, even if she were killed only by a bomb and not by a gunman, who cares? Is it not a horrible attack either way?

How is this even a story?

She was murdered, but not quite the way that some of us thought. Therefore...


She was murdered. The method is inconsequential. It was a horrible political murder. That is the story. And it still is.

And Then There Are Two

And now Romney's gone. I hate to see him leave...mainly because I think he would've been easy to defeat. OK, I guess we'll have to deal with McCain.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Wow, I haven't blogged in a long time. I don't have a ton to say about my personal life at the moment. School is still plugging along. I need to step up the amount of effort that I am putting in, but I'm still doing pretty ok. I took a test last week and got about 91% which isn't so bad considering it is in Building Enclosures which is a much more technical class. It is important stuff to know though, because architectural details are extremely important to a building's design. Also I raced a classmate and I beat him in the amount of time it took to complete the test. He scored slightly higher than me (65/70 v 64/70) so basically I won in time and points per minute. What a dumb way to talk about school. Whatever keeps my heart in it, I guess.

I'm watching tv coverage of Super Tuesday results on ABC. There is this facebook thing they are pushing to "get the point of view of the youth vote." I'm not sure who the woman is who is talking about the messages but she's pretty.

Things in the Democratic party look pretty much like it'll be neck and neck after we find out the delegate counts but that isn't until all the votes have been counted. They keep showing who won which states but that really doesn't mean a whole lot because all the primaries have proportional delegates. I think that is a good thing.

For the Republicans, looks like McCain is kicking some serious ass. It cracks me up how so many Republicans are getting all up in arms about McCain not being a conservative. I don't really care to get into the minutia of whether he is or isn't or whether people should be voting for Romney (they don't really be seeming to, HA!) over McCain or Huckabee or whatever. I just love to see the Republicans eating their own. Makes me feel jaunty. Especially since my side of things, while a contest, is a lot more civil. I anticipate that it will become less civil if things stay tight down the stretch, but for now, civil.

Oh, one more thing, it cracks me up to hear all the Republicans say that we need "change." From a Republican president and a largely Republican Congress, and from a conservative Supreme Court. I can't possibly fathom what the hell they are talking about.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Another Year Older And Deeper In Debt

Here I am, sitting in my architecture studio with six months to go before I graduate. It is my 28th birthday. All I can think about is getting the hell out of this. I don't want to be here. I don't like what I'm doing. It is a big mess.

But things will be worse if I quit so I'm going to stay and try to make the best of it.

Here's my horoscope for today from the L.A. Times (because that's the first one I found):

Today's birthday (Jan. 22): This year shows you doing what you love. February brings important decisions that must be made quickly. March turns your world upside down, illuminating ways to do your work better, faster and cheaper. Cut ties and drop habits that don't serve you. You're richer in August. Taurus and Virgo adore you. Your lucky numbers are 18, 28, 30, 11 and 17.

I can interpret that as an imperative to continue with school. I think I will go ahead and do that.

I had coffee with my dad this morning and we talked about how I've been feeling lately. I came to the conclusion that I need to stick with school and finish strong. I need to start expecting more from myself and pushing harder toward my goals. And I need to stop fearing.

Here's another horoscope that I think I like better:

IF JANUARY 22 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Create your dream during the year ahead. You may develop a desirable ambition or fall head over heels with a special someone this month. Keep your goals firmly in mind even if during April you are presented with setbacks or delays. During April avoid making agreements, signing contracts, or adding to your debt load. You should have clearing through the summer and in October your business expertise could land you an important job, contract or position.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Prophetic Daily Show!

So, I've been exploring the excellent and fairly new Daily Show website and found this old clip from the live coverage of the 2000 presidential election. Be sure to listen to Stephen Colbert's prediction for the coming administration. I'll give you a hint, it is funny because it is true(ish).

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Less Swearing This Time

I admit that when I write about politics on this blog there isn't a whole lot of nuance but there is a lot of swearing aimed at republican politicians and Bush in particular. I take the point that there is emotion and anger without much substantive analysis. When it comes to Bush, as I've said, I don't really think that much needs to be said and anything I say will be nothing new. Let's see...Iraq. Even if there was nothing else negative to say about his administration, the quagmire in Iraq would be enough to bias me completely against it. They lied to create fear and compliance in our populace. The argument about "WMD" was just a rationalization for an aggressive war of choice. I have heard many arguments about why we invaded but the only one that makes any sense to me is "because we felt like it." If history has taught us anything about war, it should be that it is a last resort because once it starts, everything changes.

Then there is the record of torture, secrecy, anti-environmental policies, etc. As I already said, the list of bad things about these guys is manifold and I don't think I really need to make any arguments about why I am rationally justified in my anti-Bushism. To me the justification is self evident.

I will concede that my ad hominem attacks on the current batch of Republican candidates comes across as crass and unnecessary. And it is unnecessary. And it is crass. But, again, I don't really need to have an internal Socratic dialog in order to justify to myself why I don't like any of them. And I don't like any of them. Not even a little bit. There are certain issues that I cannot compromise my views about. One of them is the matter of abortion. I believe that women should have access to abortions. I don't like abortion but whether or not I like it, it is important for people to decide if and when they will be pregnant. That is how I believe and I don't think I can be dissuaded of this belief which I have come to rationally. When it comes down to it, people are going to get pregnant who do not want to have children and a percentage of those people will wish to end the pregnancy whether or not abortion is legal. They always have and they always will. It just makes sense that people should have the ability to have an abortion without unduly risking their lives. I wish this weren't such a divisive issue but it is and I have my position. This certainly isn't the most important thing to me but it sure is to a lot of people out there. And since I believe in legal abortion, that makes only one of the Republicans out there even remotely acceptable and that's Rudy Giuliani. And there is no way I would support that guy.

I feel compelled to say that abortion is not the reason why I can't really give thought to any Republican candidates but that it serves as a useful example of why I cannot give them more than a cursory appraisal as to their worthiness of my vote.

I am having trouble with the Democratic candidates though. I believe that the top three, Clinton, Edwards, and Obama (listed alphabetically) would each be a better president than the current one. But no matter who it would wind up being he/she is going to inherit a bunch of problems, especially Iraq. There are no good choices there. If we leave, blood bath. If we stay, lots of blood. Anything in between, still lots of blood. And where we are now is why we should have never gone in in the first place. This is exactly why we shouldn't have wars of choice. Or if we do, do it in a jerky international muscle flexing kind of way like in Granada, Panama, and Kosovo. At least in those situations we didn't tear the entire fabrics of those places apart. Anyway, that is beside the point. Back to the Democrats...

Clinton. I have a visceral negative reaction to Hillary Clinton. I see her pretty much as most of her political adversaries see her, calculating, insincere, concerned more with winning than in having beliefs. Those are all high negatives but her policies are closer to mine than are any of the Republican candidates. I will vote for her if she is the candidate but like a lot of liberals I will be holding my nose. On the other hand, I am excited to see a woman with a real chance to win.

Edwards. Yeah, he seems slick. Yeah, he gets $400 hair cuts. Yeah, he is super rich. But his rhetoric lines up closer to where I am than any of the other candidates. I wouldn't mind the lack of a southern accent in our next president, but if there has to be, I hope it is from this man. Also, he had a sweet mustache. He won't be the nominee. That's too bad.

Obama. The main negatives on this guy seem to be that he is untested and lacks experience. I am tempted to go along with this line but the other two front runners don't really have a whole lot more "experience." I tend not to really see experience as being that important. Then again, Bush didn't have much experience either and look where that got us. Hmm...must think about this. I am inspired by his speeches. Good speech giving has gone by the wayside in the last fifty years and it is exciting to hear passion. As with Clinton, I am excited to see an African-American with a real chance to win.

And I guess that just about does it. I don't see politics as personal and I certainly regret coming across as if I am attacking anyone that I care about. But the reality is that some of these things make serious impacts on peoples' lives. This war is the biggest mistake in my lifetime. I can't treat it as if it is a difference of opinion on tax policy or school vouchers. It is serious and thousands of people are paying the price. It is a tragedy that our country could have and should have prevented.

P.S. My birthday is coming up in a few more days. OMG!!! I'll B 28 LOL!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Now a Good Thing

In the past couple of years a new type of plastic wrapping has become prevalent in the frozen pizza market. It is two pieces of plastic that have a pull apart tab. It is pure genius and I love not having to use a knife or scissors or fumble with it and mess up all the toppings.

P.S. I am lazy.


I was considering not going to my class today. Just checked my email and class is canceled. What a great day!

I'm Annoyed Today

I guess I'm just annoyed today. So I decided to take out a little hate.

Look at this fucking asshole. What a dick. I can't wait for him to get out of office. He is the worst president of all time. Even worse than Reagan! And Reagan had Alzheimer' disease when he was in office. And he didn't win the Cold War even though millions of misguided people believe he did. It isn't like he punched Josef Stalin and Karl Marx in their faces or anything. It also isn't like he fought in WWII or anything. And anyway, he wasn't even in office when the Soviet Union fell.

Anyway, back to the current asshole. He is trying to pass himself off these days as Harry Truman because of the unpopular war. Excuse me, Mr. President, but that's a stretch. I don't have to say why because anyone who still likes this guy won't listen anyway. People say that Bush haters are wrong because of their hatred. Sorry, but I wasn't born hating him. In fact, a mere eight years ago I barely even knew who he was. But now I hate him. I guess it must be because I'm an irrational hater. Or maybe he's a fucking asshole. I think it is the second. And thanks all you people who voted for him in 2000. And thank you even more all you people who voted for him in 2004.

Let's get out a little more anger...

All the Republican candidates are horrible.

  • Rudy Giuliani: Fascist Asshole
  • John McCain: "Straight Talking" Asshole
  • Mike Huckabee: Theocratic Asshole
  • Fred Thompson: Old Asshole
  • Mitt Romney: Robotic Asshole (ewww)
  • I'm sure there are some other ones and I bet they are all ASSSSSSHOOOOLLLESSSSSSS!

Check this craziness from Huckabee:

At a Michigan campaign event last night, Mike Huckabee gave an interesting reason for why he wants to amend the Constitution to ban both abortion and gay marriage: Otherwise, the Constitution would be in conflict with God.

Huckabee first observed that some of his opponents don't want to amend the Constitution on both of these topics. "But I believe it's a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living God," Huckabee said. "And that's what we need to do, is to amend the Constitution so it's in God's standards rather than try to change God's standards."

Are these people serious? What the hell is wrong with this country that people think they can get elected saying bullshit like this? Oh right. Because it works.

Did I say "thanks" to you people who voted for him? Because if I didn't, thanks guys.


Only losers complain about what dick faces parking enforcement officers are.

That said, some people who work as parking enforcement officers are dick faces. My mom and I went to her credit union to open me an account and as we left a meter maid who was giving someone else a ticket stopped us, got all punitive and then gave us a ticket because and only because she had the power. Sure, the meter was expired and she had the right to ticket, but she did it purely because she had the power and wanted to exercise it. My mom got mad (so did I) and the lady had the gall to say that she deals with people a lot and she could tell that we were looking down on her. Talk about projection. Jesus, she was being a douche. That's it.

Like I said, she had the right to ticket, but she had a dick face attitude.

And only losers complain about parking enforcement.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

My Candidate, Magnum P.I.

John and Elizabeth Edwards. Go John! Maybe you should re-grow the mustache.

Friday, January 04, 2008


My armpits smell like beef stew. Yum.

So I Was Wrong

Turns out I'm not quite the prognosticator that I thought. Well, honestly, I never thought I was a prognosticator, but I did make some predictions about the Iowa caucuses. I predicted Edwards, Clinton, Obama for the dems. Turns out it was Obama, Clinton, Edwards. And Obama killed. That's ok by me because I live in Oregon...one of the last primary states.

And when it comes to the republicans...well, I don't really give a shit. But Huckabee won. He has zero chance. And if he winds up their nominee, doesn't matter. It could be Jeebus and the Republicans would still lose. I guarantee it.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

The Great Fezmono Predicts!

The Iowa caucuses are about to start. My predictions for winners are:

1) Edwards
2) Clinton
3) Obama

1) Romney
2) Huckabee
3) McCain

So there you have it. Probably way wrong.

Dude, Enough Already!

This real ad from Giuliani should be funny but it is terrifying. And I'm not afraid of those "Islamofascists" but rather the American fascists who made this and to whom it appeals. Enjoy:

A List of Things

Here are some things that I want for the new year (2008, just in case you aren't sure):

Regularly write in my blog.

Read more.

Finally get a job in architecture.

Dress better.

Finally get my DVR/computer thing working properly.

Along those lines, finally get my own internet access and a little cable tv.

Do some dating.

Take more photos.

Maybe start video recording more things.

Get the Smit family tree done.

Plan a trip to Europe for 2008 or 2009.

Here are some things that are definitely happening in the new year:

Turn 28.

Graduate from school.

As for the moment, the weather sucks. Raining and cold. I don't have any money. Not a lot to do. But I am going to go to the gym today so that's a good thing.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Happy New Year!

I decided to stay home tonight and it is just like any other night. Kind of nice.