Thursday, December 04, 2008

Catching Up

Well, then...

I haven't really wanted to write blog posts recently. Back in June I earned my bachelor of architecture degree and that's pretty much the high point of the last six months.

I guess I thought that I would instantly find a job and then all things would be right in the world. But here's the thing, finding a job in your career is much different than just finding a job that pays the bills.

Needless to say, I've been a total loser over the last half year. Yeah, I do have a job but it is in food service.

Today I met with a career adviser. She liked the format and content of my resume. She also had a lot of advice about the verbs of my leading sentences. I thought that they were ok, but after talking to her, I realize that I have a lot of improvement to enact on my resume.

I doubt anyone is still checking this blog, but if they still are, they are Kolkenas.

This is the logo from the family reunion. I designed it.

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