Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Xmas Tr33z

Today I met with my new counselor. She seems like she'll be a good fit with me. After that, I had a coffee and then met with my mom so we could get her Christmas tree. The other day I went along with my dad and my grandma to a tree farm out in the country. We were extremely impressed with the selection of their trees and their service. Hagg's farm has some of the best trees in the Portland area. So today I took my mom over there and we found a great tree. It is the first Christmas at the John Palmer house and I think this tree is a good start.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Catching Up

Well, then...

I haven't really wanted to write blog posts recently. Back in June I earned my bachelor of architecture degree and that's pretty much the high point of the last six months.

I guess I thought that I would instantly find a job and then all things would be right in the world. But here's the thing, finding a job in your career is much different than just finding a job that pays the bills.

Needless to say, I've been a total loser over the last half year. Yeah, I do have a job but it is in food service.

Today I met with a career adviser. She liked the format and content of my resume. She also had a lot of advice about the verbs of my leading sentences. I thought that they were ok, but after talking to her, I realize that I have a lot of improvement to enact on my resume.

I doubt anyone is still checking this blog, but if they still are, they are Kolkenas.

This is the logo from the family reunion. I designed it.