Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Ahh, Democracy

Well, hell, sure has been a long time. I'm not really going to say much because I'm tired and I've had a long day.

What I do want to say is that I received my ballot in the mail the other day and finished filling it out mere moments ago. I don't think I voted in the last primary election since the president was decided long before our Oregon primary. This time though, my vote is cast in a contested election. It won't change anything though since there are too few delegates still available to push Obama or Clinton over the top. That said, I felt a glow of pride and satisfaction when I sealed up the envelope to send to the county elections office. But I now have to buy a stamp. Shining city on a hill, my ass!


Alex said...

props to obama for humiliating chillary.

i just hope he doesn't do something stupid like tap her for veep.

fezmonkey said...

Well, I don't know. I've never been a huge Clinton fan (either of them), but I am a stone cold Democrat and I'll go for anyone who goes against McCain. That said, I don't think either Clinton or Obama wants Clinton as the veep.