Sunday, July 31, 2005

Shake it Off

That last entry sure was dumb. I guess I just got it in my head that I wanted to go out with some people this weekend and when it didn't happen I felt this burning loneliness tinged with anger. The fact is that I've spent plenty of weekends mostly alone in my life. And I'm still here. Today I decided to snap myself out of it and it hasn't been completely easy. I'm still not totally snapped out of it, but a lot more out of it than at this time yesterday. I took myself out for breakfast at a local diner where I started reading "When We Were Orphans" by Kazuo Ishiguro. I've previously read "Remains of the Day" and I have to say that I believe Ishiguro is one of my favorite authors. His style is subdued but its calmness is despite all kinds of other ideas swirling around the characters. The protagonists in both novels share this overarching sense of duty to which they sacrifice their personal lives. It is a theme that I can relate to. The only problem is that since the style is so measured, I sometimes get a little tired so I have to get up and walk around outside for a while. Maybe that is an indication that I need to start getting a little bit of exercise.

Well, I got a phone call so I lost my train of thought so I'll leave it at that.

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