Thursday, July 28, 2005

Honey Bucket

This is the view outside of my living room window at the moment. As I've previously mentioned, I live in an alley. Actually, to be precise, I live at the intersection of a major and a minor alley. The minor alley is being paved this week (hopefully not too much longer) so I've been dealing with people cutting concrete and operating backhoes right outside my window. And I guess the workers have to have a place to let loose their bladders and bowels. And that place is right outside my living room window. It doesn't smell as bad as it could. I can only guess what the smell will be like if the project lasts a long time. Oh please, be efficient city contractors. For my sake.

I went with a friend and her boyfriend to see "Wedding Crashers" tonight. I quite enjoyed it. I'm a sucker for living vicariously through the sleeziness of others. I wasn't totally thrilled with the sappy ending but it is a movie and people need to be redeemed...I guess.

I don't have a lot more to say. I'm kind of tired but not quite ready to go to bed. I thought that I had an entry in me but I seem to have been mistaken. Such is life.

Weekend tomorrow! Parrrrrty! Or not.

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