Sunday, February 27, 2005

A Great Sunday Morning

I just placed an order for my computer to be placed in my architecture studio. I must say, I enjoyed spending my large tax refund. I bought an ipod, a laptop, and now a desktop computer. I haven't spent that much money so quickly in a long time. And it will be a hell of a long time before I can do it again. Unfortunately, I have very little money left. I figure it is best to get the best I can afford now though, even if I don't have much money left, than to get a lower quality machine that I won't be as happy with for a long time. Does that make sense the way I typed it?

Anyway, I'm doing my Sunday morning slacking routine where I drink a pot of coffee while listening to This American Life, one of the best shows.

The weather has been unbelievably beautiful lately. I know that global warming is supposed to be a bad thing and all, but I'm really enjoying it right now. I figure that right now is about the sweet spot. Maybe in ten years I'll be enjoying the rising ocean levels a little less than I am this year's early spring, but hey, there's no such thing as a free lunch.

Oh crap! I just realized that I need to buy a whole bunch of software for my computer but I just spent the last of my money on the computer itself. Shit! But there is no way I can be too upset about it this morning. The weather is just too nice.

Soon, off to studio to work on my final project. I can't believe the term is so close to over. I sure hope I pass all my classes. Yikes.

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