Tuesday, October 19, 2004


Things are going pretty well for me today. I skipped math because I didn't feel like going without taking a shower and I didn't feel like taking a shower before I went. That kind of air tight logic has allowed me to sit in front of my computer all morning doing "research." I love doing research. On all kinds of stuff. Theoretically, doing so much reading online will make me more informed and articulate, but I think the reality is that web surfing is much like channel surfing. A big waste of time with very little retention. Oh well.

This cat situation hasn't been working out and the new one has to go back to the cat lady I from whom I got him. That makes me sad and leads me to the next problem which is what to do with Rusty. After a lot of debate with myself and others (you know who you are) and even crying (yes, I'm a wuss) I've decided that I need to give her up. I am in architecture school and it is going to get really intense soon. I'm going to have to spend all my free time in studio and it just will not be possible to give Rusty the attention that she'll need. I feel bad, but I do think that this will be the best solution in the long run.

By the way, yesterday I got my first project back from my introduction to architecture class. I got top marks on all aspects of both the paper and accomanying illustration. Booya! I mean, I knew I was smart, but damn. OK, ignore that last sentence, I know that things are going to get really really hard soon. As an architecture graduate student told me, I need to enjoy the peace while I can because things get insane. I'm a bit scared but really excited. That just reaffirms to me that I should be doing this program. It is a good fit for me.

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