Monday, October 11, 2004

Just Stuff

I got back a math quiz I took on Friday. I got 75%. And I studied and did all my homework and actually thought I aced it. Shit. I guess that just means that I need to try just that much harder. It makes me somewhat nervous about how I'm doing in the rest of my classes. I don't really care that much about my math grade in the long run, I just need to pass, but when I work really hard and the best I do is a C, what happens if I slack off just a bit? A D? Oh well, this is a required class and I just need to keep plugging away.

Now on to the cat thing. I've now had the new cat for about 24 hours. And even though I've done my best to deny it, my other cat, Rusty, is a fucking asshole. She attacks him whenever she gets the chance. I don't know if she is trying to dominate him or what, but he's quite a bit smaller than she is and instead of fighting her, he falls down and hisses. I do think that eventually he may be able to dominate her but I don't know if he'll be too scared of her by then. The best I can hope for is to make sure that they are separated when I'm not here and try to keep some sort of peace when I am home. I want to make sure I keep giving both cats attention and hope that Rusty's attacks don't make him too meek. He seems to be farely resilient. I am just playing mother hen and I'm sure it isn't as big a deal as I fear.

1 comment:

sefa said...

He's going to grow fast. Just wait until he realizes he can sit on her!