Friday, October 01, 2004

Debate Talk

Rush Is Right: Expect Kerry to Break Rules, Media to Say Kerry Won Afterward

So I'm a sick person, I go to the Rush Limbaugh website and read his transcripts, but I find that it is a good way to learn what people on the far right are "thinking" when they are talking. But little pieces of truth have ways of coming out and biting people like Rush in the ass. At the end of the fifth paragraph Rush says:

I just don't think that in any kind of a 90 minute TV appearance that is broadcast nationally, I don't think for 90 minutes, you can hide who you are.
This is a point with which I agree, and it was apparent last night. It was apparent that the effort to distort who John Kerry is has been so effective that he doesn't even remotely resemble that charicature. Likewise, the effort to portray Bush as strong, resolute, and decisive has been so successful that he doesn't resemble it slightly.

Of course, Bush supporters are finding reasons for his defeat and none of them puts Bush at fault. It is either the media, the unfairness of Kerry, even Jim Lehrer. This shows that Bush supporters are buying into the hype more than ever before. It is a sick kind of hero worship where anything that the leader does wrong is the fault of some huge, nebulous conspiracy. I'm not comparing Bush to Hitler, I don't think he's that bad, but there is something vaguely Nazi-esque about the way the right wingers follow and idolize this man. If only they could get rid of the Arabs, gays, and liberals, then there would be a perfect society.

If Bush wins this election, I think it will be a symptom of a greater sickness in the United States. It will prove my fear that the majority of people in this country don't desire honest, complex answers to complex problems but rather crave simplistic easy answers so the problems just go away. It makes me ill. I wonder where this country could possibly be heading. The next four years could put us back on the right path or take us to disaster. You know where I stand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Question for you - is there any issue at all on which you think the Republicans have a better position, as a party, than the Democrats?