Friday, December 21, 2007

Poopoo and Peepee

Well, it has been a long-ass hell of a time since I’ve written a post but I’ve been wanting to, I just haven’t really felt like I had anything to say. However, not having anything to say shouldn’t stop me; it certainly doesn’t stop a lot of people both on and offline. So here goes…

My life is quite mundane these days. I am on Christmas vacation at the moment and I don’t have a job. That means I literally have nothing that I’m obligated to do. That means I don’t really do anything. I’ve discovered something about myself that I’ve known but not acknowledged for a long time, that is I have an extraordinarily high idleness threshold. I can do practically nothing for days on end, not interacting with people and not accomplishing much more than relieving my bladder and bowels. Oh, “too much information,” or “TMI” you may exclaim but to you exclaimers I say, don’t be so exclaimy. Meanwhile my friends and family are falling in and out of love, going to and quitting their jobs, running errands, being happy or sad, but me, I’m none of those things. I just am. For some reason I have developed a numbness to the world that is a little unsettling. That it unsettles me indicates that I’m not fully numb which makes me feel something good, that’s good, right? I can’t really tell. I don’t really want to explore this issue too terribly much so I think I’ll stop the subject right there.

On Sunday my mom and I took her dog for a good long walk. It was nice and enjoyable. We then went to her house and decorated her Christmas tree and hung garland in the living and dining rooms. Decorating a tree is an important annual tradition for me and I think I have to do it. I’ve done it twice this year, once for my mom and once for my grandma. It is very satisfying to look at a decked out tree and know that I did it. This morning my mom picked me up and we went to Edelweiss deli where we bought assorted meats. Although I am not German it feels kind of nice to be connected in a small way to my European heritage. It is cute to hear people speaking in German at the store, both employees and patrons. Sometimes I forget that there is still active immigration to this country from Europe. Why anyone would want to come here from Europe is another question altogether and one I’m clearly unqualified to answer.

I am on track to graduate in June with my bachelor of architecture degree so in principle that’s exciting. I’m not excited about it, however. It is just another thing. Architecture may not be what I really want to do. But do I really want to do anything? Good question. But since I have to do something, architecture seems like a pretty damn good thing to do.

So, how about the primaries, huh? I sure don’t like those Republican candidates. Giuliani: fascist. Romney: orange and asshole. Huckabee: southern Baptist minister who terrifies the shit out of me despite the fact that he’s pretty funny in interviews. And I guess that’s all of them that deserve a quick dismissal from me. Oh yeah, and Thompson: face melting. As far as the Democrats go, I have to admit, I really like Edwards but he seems to have no chance. I also like Obama and the fact that he used to do drugs on occasion makes me happy. It isn’t like they all haven’t done drugs, except for Romney, he’s pure as the driven snow. And Clinton certainly isn’t my choice but she’s better than any of the horrible Republicans out there. I mean, seriously, how come all the Republicans are such fucking scary sons of bitches? My cousin seems to think that Clinton’s looks are vomit inducing. I happen to disagree and think she is aging fairly gracefully. I also think that Romney is orange and that is more terrifying than any wrinkles. Did I mention that I don’t like Romney. I mean, I don’t like any of them, but he’s a total douche. And I don’t have to back it up. Because this is my house. ‘Sup! You want some?

Didn’t think so.

Anyway, I guess that’s enough for now. Maybe I’ll write again. I sure hope so. I think it is making me feel something. But it is pain and sadness. No. It really isn’t. It is actually good. I feel pretty good.

And hung over, but that is another issue.


My characterization of Giuliani as a fascist certainly isn't groundbreaking but I'd like to point out that even people who I think are crazy think he's a fascist.

That proves everything I say is true.


Alex said...

W00t! You finally updated.

Your assessment of the cadidates made my chuckle. Why specifically do these guys scare you so much? Take comfort in the fact that Romney's religion makes him unelectable...

Dan said...

I think people hate Romney for the same reason that Homer hates Flanders.