Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Everyone

So, I guess yesterday was Christmas. And the day before was Christmas Eve. There were lots of good things about the holiday but I think one of the most exciting is that we got some snow. It didn't stay long, but long enough that I took some pictures. Sadly the snow didn't really last and by the time we left my uncle's house, it was pretty much all melted.

But, get this, they are saying that in the morning we could be having all kinds of snow. I really hope we do because it makes me all giddy and childlike.

I was given way more presents than I really need or deserve but some people (like me) are really lucky to have people who spoil them. And really, that's what it is, spoiling. But I really do appreciate all that my mom, dad, and grandma do for me and my sister on Christmas.

The top picture is on the side yard of my uncle's house. And the picture off to the side is something a lot funnier. There is this house that every year I look at with a mixture of amusement and horror. It is this gothic brick mansion. Looks completely ridiculous but that is part of its questionable charm.

So on Christmas Eve we went over to a family friends' house for what's become a traditional party. Some of the people at said event kind of weird me out but in general it is a great time. Then we went back to my mom and Susan's house where we opened up some of the previously mentioned gift windfall. My mom bought a bunch of things from the Portland Mercury auction so I guess she's telling me that I need to be more of a hipster. 2007, the year my 50+ mother told her nearly 28 year old son that he needs to be cooler.

After the gift exchange Mom and Susan took my sister home and I stayed at their house and popped on the tv. "Bad Santa" was on Comedy Central and I watched it for a while but I gotta say, not the best movie to play on a network on which they can't say "fuck" or "shit" or "fuck me, Santa" or all kinds of other things. Especially "fuck me, Santa."

Anyway, I stayed overnight at my mom and Susan's and it was really nice. After our traditional breakfast and stockings, my dad came to pick us up to go to my grandma's for even more presents. I don't really want to go into what all I was given, but it was a lot and as I grow up I become a little more self-conscious about how much people spend on me during the holidays. That isn't to say that I don't appreciate it. If anything, I appreciate it more. It is just that I know the value of a dollar more than I used to.

We then braved the weather, that dangerous rain with some snow mixed in to go up to my uncle's house where we had perhaps the smallest family Christmas ever. But it was also a good one. All the older generation is getting old so things are in a state of flux. We are going to have to figure out what we are going to do in the future.

Dinner was great. Company was great. It was all fun.

Then my sister and I met up with some people for drinks. What a nice holiday.

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