Sunday, July 08, 2007

A Trip!

I'm getting excited. My mom and her wife have been living in Toronto over the past couple of months and on Friday I am going to visit. I've been before, but I was 18 or something like that and I just realized that was nearly a decade ago! Holy crap, I'm getting old. But I don't really know much about Toronto. I know it is big and cultured, but that's about it. I guess for the next week I'm going to bone up on my Toronto knowledge. I absolutely enjoy not having a plan but I also enjoy having some knowledge about the place I'm going to visit. Like last summer, when I went to Boston, one of the best things that I did was to go to Mt. Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge. I would have never known about it had I not done research.

Speaking of getting old, I had some drinks on Friday with one of my best friends from high school. We haven't really kept in touch over the years but it was really great to see him. I can't believe that he's married and that his uptight ass wound up getting married in Las Vegas of all places. And he has five pets! I guess his wife has loosened him up a bit. That is good.

I've got Top Chef on in the background. It is really cool. I sometimes fantasize about being back in a kitchen and really learning the ropes. That'll never happen. But I love cooking. I want some delicious food in my mouth right now.


Alex said...

Toronto must be a diverse place. In Uruguay I met tons of people who had family up there. I also met some Chinese-speaking missionaries who were heading out to Toronto. I wanna go sometime!

Dan said...

It was fun to visit, if only just for a short while. Glad to see you're doing so well.