Saturday, November 11, 2006

I'm Back?

I suppose that, yes, I am back. I'd nearly forgotten that I have a blog. It has been something like five months since I've written anything here and even longer since I've written anything substantial. So...substantial. How about those elections, huh? A big "fuck you" to Bush and so many others. I must admit, part of me is a little sad that Santorum lost if only because I don't want the alternate use of the word to die out., huh? I'm in my third year of architecture right now. How time flies. If things go according to plan, I'll be graduating in the summer of '08. That shouldn't be, but is, a big if. You see, I'm currently taking a class called structures that is kicking me in the ass. I had a test yesterday and I wouldn't be surprised if I failed. I need to pass that class because it is only offered once a year. If I wind up failing this class (which would be the first failure of my academic career. EVER) I will have to wait until next year to take it again. Then I'll have to wait until the year after that to take the next two classes in the series. I hope I can get things under control soon.

I'm starting to realize that I'm a grownup. My ten year high school reunion will be right after my college graduation. Wow, ten years. Hard to believe.

Oh, and one more thing, I just cleaned my toilet. I lead an exciting life. You know you envy me.

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