Monday, September 26, 2005

Second Year

OK, here we second year of school is starting today. I haven't done much to prepare myself mentally for the beginning of classes. So I guess I'll just wing it and I'm sure everything will be just fine. I'm looking forward to using my brain again. In the last month and a half or so I've done a lot of drinking and very little thinking. Now I've got to reverse the trend., thinking. I'm not entirely sure that I'm up to it but I guess I have to be.

The other thing that starts today is my job at the dorms. I'm looking forward to getting some food but other than that I could leave my job without too much sadness. And finally, I'm looking forward to seeing people who I haven't seen in a long time. I hope I remember everyone's names!

Alright, so I guess that's about it. I'm antsy. I have butterflies. But I know that in a mere week this will all be routine again. I'm off!

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