Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Just A Little Update

School keeps going. I feel like I did at the end of high school...tired of school. I guess you could say I have a bad case of senioritis. Unlike high school, though, I have to pull myself out of it and get back on the ball. I think I can do it. I know I can do it. The past two days I had two tests. I think I did well on them. That is a good thing. I need to make sure to keep making progress on my studio project. Today is as good a day as any to make some good progress. And then at the end of this school year I'm going back to Portland and finishing up there. That is something to shoot for. I love Portland so much. I can't undermine myself.

Today is Valentine's. I gotta say, this is the absolute best time to be single. I hate Valentine's Day when I am in a relationship. Too much effing pressure. Today I get to have just another day. Ha ha, all you suckers!

I am listening to the president having a press conference right now. He makes me sick.

Oh yeah, and today is the anniversary of Oregon being admitted to the union. February 14, 1859. Sometimes I wish we could get out. Especially when I listen to the damn president. What an asshole.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good to see an update Matt. The last part of a degree is fatiguing but you're making GREAT progress. It's almost March and then just FOUR months before you bid a fond farewell to Eugene. We'll be glad to have you back in P-town.