Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Sitting Here With A Cup Of Coffee

Today is my second day of classes in the third term of my second year of school. Looking back on this year I'm not completely satisfied with anything that I've done but I've still succeeded.

We got our studio assignments yesterday. I think I'm going to like my teacher. He's worked all over the place and has only been teaching for a few years. The clue that made me think I'll like him is that he said that we are allowed to break the rules just as long as we are aware of what we are doing and have "a good reason." My teacher last year said basically the same thing, "have a damn good reason." It warmed my heart.

Today is my first day participating as a teacher's assistant. I'm one of many so it isn't really that big of a deal but it should still be pretty fun. I'm also going to take salsa 2. I'm really happy about that.

All in all, I'm excited about this term. Here we go!

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