Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain

I'm not one who normally likes to complain about the rain. Heat, yes. Cold, most likely. But rain, hell no. I'm an Oregonian, we are supposed to have webbed feet or something like that. For the last three days though it has been raining pretty much nonstop. I think it stopped a couple of times on Sunday but it is now Wednesday. It is like a monsoon or something. I actually don't mind the rain all that much but I have to walk around everywhere so that pretty much sucks. But it is pretty, I have to admit.

School started back up on Monday. There's quite a gap in my bloggerness but I never really felt like writing during the break. The break was great, by the way. I think it was my best break since I've been in school. I've determined that this year is going to be a great year. I'm starting to talk like my mom a bit. When I was younger I thought that the way she talked about things was kind of wacky but I'm starting to see the value in it. The idea of talking about things that you want at first seems stupid. Surely talking about something won't make it more likely. But I think that it works. I've been telling myself that I'm going to have good things and so far good things are happening. Mostly though, I think it is that my outlook is different. In fact, the things are pretty much all the same. It is my perception of those things that is changing. And that is a positive development.

This term in school I don't have design studio. I'm excited about that. Studio is great but it is extraordinarily stressful. I'm taking a couple of architecture classes, a philosophy class, and most interestingly a salsa dancing class. I went last night for the first time and all I can do now is the count in my head, 1 2 3 . 5 6 7 . over and over again. I'm happy that I'm trying something I wouldn't normally do and so far I'm enjoying it. I feel bad though because my hands get all sweaty. I should figure out some sort of sweaty hands remedy. Chalk, maybe?

1 comment:

sefa said...

You can dress in some costume that requires gloves. I'm sure you'd look quite dashing!