Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Waiting and (sort of) Studying

This is the time that I don't like. I have my last final tomorrow morning. So right now I'm just kind of idle. I'm studying but there is only so much one can study when one knows the material. Unfortunately, since I'm not sure how my teacher's test will be, we've never had a test before, I have a difficult time in gauging its difficulty. Likewise, the teacher provided us with four potential essay questions for which we should prepare. She will choose two of them and we will be required to write on only one. So she is forcing us to prepare for at least three of the questions in order to be prepared for the test. That is effective for us to learn the material but I also think it is kind of rude. It isn't a big deal. Whatever. I'm pretty sure there is one question she will definitely ask but I can't risk being up poo poo creek based on a hunch. However, if I study all the questions, I'll inevitably waste hours of time preparing an answer that I'll never ever ever ever ever ever need. That is the rude part. I just wish I could take the damn thing now.

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