Monday, June 08, 2009

Who Cares?

These days I find myself working for a chain restaurant, making barely more than minimum wage, and wondering, "what the fuck happened?". I guess, from talking to my former classmates, that nothing really happened except the economy. I am, however, fucking annoyed about it. If I had gone to school a year or two before I actually did, I don't think I would have an employment problem. But I did what I did and I wound up graduating from architecture school in the worst economy of my life. What the fuck should I do?

Anyone have any ideas about what the fuck I should do?

Friday, June 05, 2009

Twenty Years Later

So here I go...I know I haven't posted in a long-ass time, and who really cares? I don't believe that this blog means anything and I doubt even my most ardent followers are still around.

But, I have something to say. Today is the twentieth anniversary of the Chinese government massacre of the pro-democracy student-demonstrators in Tienamen Square.

This post is meant as a memorial, however small, for the students and sympathizers who gave their lives that day. June 4th 1989. I remember watching the news, the news with Dan Rather and the MacNiel/Leherer news hour. I didn't quite understand what was happening because I grew up in a quiet American suburb. But I do remember seeing my dad's face and understanding that this demonstration was an important thing. My dad had been watching China since he was a child and this was a chance for that country to become one of the first to throw off the shackles of Communist oppression. We all watched day after day. I, in my nine-year-old naivete thought that the students would win. How could they not? They had liberty personified on their side. I guess my nine-year-old self had no idea of the power of state sanctioned violence.

This was the end of the Cold War but none of us knew it. I grew up in the era of Star Wars (SDI). None of us understood that the Berlin Wall would soon crumble. Europe would be fine. But what of China?

Nowadays the youth of that country apparently know little to nothing of the students' struggle and sacrifice. Their mother country now owns our debt and even we, the apparent vanguard of liberty, cant talk about it for fear of the collectors coming for theirs.

I hate to say it, but those thousands of students who heroically sacrificed died for nothing.

God bless global capital.

May we all remember the sacrifice of those heroic souls.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Xmas Tr33z

Today I met with my new counselor. She seems like she'll be a good fit with me. After that, I had a coffee and then met with my mom so we could get her Christmas tree. The other day I went along with my dad and my grandma to a tree farm out in the country. We were extremely impressed with the selection of their trees and their service. Hagg's farm has some of the best trees in the Portland area. So today I took my mom over there and we found a great tree. It is the first Christmas at the John Palmer house and I think this tree is a good start.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Catching Up

Well, then...

I haven't really wanted to write blog posts recently. Back in June I earned my bachelor of architecture degree and that's pretty much the high point of the last six months.

I guess I thought that I would instantly find a job and then all things would be right in the world. But here's the thing, finding a job in your career is much different than just finding a job that pays the bills.

Needless to say, I've been a total loser over the last half year. Yeah, I do have a job but it is in food service.

Today I met with a career adviser. She liked the format and content of my resume. She also had a lot of advice about the verbs of my leading sentences. I thought that they were ok, but after talking to her, I realize that I have a lot of improvement to enact on my resume.

I doubt anyone is still checking this blog, but if they still are, they are Kolkenas.

This is the logo from the family reunion. I designed it.